Host a Hive!
Intrigued by honey bees?
Interested in starting your own backyard hive, but just don’t feel like you have the time or ability to learn a new skill-set?
This opportunity allows you to participate in supporting honey bees in our local area without having to take classes or investing time and money to manage a farm animal. Learning about them by employing the “drinking from a firehose” method can be daunting, so no matter what your space allotment, we can place colonies on your property according to what works for you.
This way, you can help pollinators by homing hives, and also get to watch the bees, and learn from them as they live out their daily cycles, from your kitchen window. Our staff will manage the colonies and see to their needs on a monthly basis, while you get to support them and learn at a pace to your liking.
Click HERE or call (360) 926-8208 to Contact Us to talk about the options for product discounts or our other foster parent benefits that we offer for homing hives!